Conversations series
Rest, Known, Enough, Whole
Book Design, Typesetting, Web Design, & marketing
"Stonecroft’s Conversations series inspires dialogue around meaningful topics as women explore what Jesus and the Bible say about important life issues. The 4-week format provides stories, discussion questions, and more. The series includes:
Rest – Find rest in the busyness and rush to bring balance to life.
Known – Talk through issues of rejection, body image, and relationships. Discover God’s love and acceptance.
Enough – All of us feel we’re not enough in certain areas of our lives. God wants to help us embrace who we are.
Whole – God can heal our brokenness and shape us into the women he created us to be."
I approached this project with the goal of representing the meaning of each book title as an abstracted visual. Rest conveys calm and tranquil colors with the perception that it's descending on the reader, imparting peace. The Known cover shows the opening of the soul, like chipping away at concrete to expose the wire holding it together. The busy and saturated pattern is conveyed to be dissipating from the inside out for Enough, relieving the pressure. Whole's design makes the reader feel full of warmth and acceptance.

Available for purchase at stonecroft.org/store